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Tek2go - Personal Electronics and Lifestyle Products Watches and Clocks   Simon Says Furniture - Brand Name Office Furniture   Duracell - Brand Name Batteries
June 19th, 2009

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3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Specialty Products
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Memory
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Personal Audio
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell iStyle
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell iaPeel
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell bowldog
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Bluetooth
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Road Mice
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Listening
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Cameras and Displays
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Lifestyle
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Simon Says Furniture
3 Eye Fish - Products That Sell Duracell




3 Eye Fish Premium and Incentives Division
The premium and incentive division is primarily a Solution provider to its clients. We are fully integrated promotional marketing services company with over 20 years experience in developing, executing and managing marketing, promotional and specialized retailing programs across canada.

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:: Touch Decision Maker

I want One

Having a hard time getting the right answer? Let the Decision Maker help you! Ask a question, touch the pads underneath, and release! A red light rotates around until you let go. Light stops at one of these answeres: Maybe/Go Ahead/Yes/Try Again/Give Up/No. Great fun at reunions and events.
Operated by 2 x AG13 batteries


Operation ( 1 player )
1. Make your own two-hands-on ‘decision’ by touching both ends of Decision Maker.
2. Flashing LED Lights sweep around.
3. The answer is indicated when you release hand-hold on 1 side!

Operation ( 2 or more players )
1. Each person holds 1 end of unit and touches each other to close the circuit.
2. Flashing LED Lights sweep around.
3. The answer is indicated when the hand-holding circuit is ‘broken’ by any one of several ‘contacting’ players.

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Contact Us
3 Eye Fish
1-1111 Flint Road
Toronto, Ontario
M3J 3C7
(416) 742 - 0891